♡ Wishlist: Nintendo 3DS XL ♡

12:46 AM

I believe that when I tell people I want something or that I plan on saving for something I always end up feeling obligated just to do so. I think it's the fact that I grew up in a surrounding where you have to keep every promise that you make. And as a promise I shall save my money for the following items:

This is a Animal Crossing: New Leaf Nintendo 3DS XL bundle ((special edition)) which is $219.99 according to my dear Internet. If it becomes impossible for me to get this I'll just get a normal 3DS XL then buy the game Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

I recently just heard about this upcoming Pokemon game which is made only for 3DS. I love pokemon and this is what actually push me through to really wanting the 3DS so badly. I am aware at there'd be a special edition of 3DS for Pokemon x and y but idk. 


Just the console alone I can safely estimate it around $250 with tax and shipping. I unfortunately didn't get any call from the places I applied to so the only way I can get money is through school allowance that my parents give me. As soon as school starts I'd be getting $20 a week which I'm suppose to spend on lunch. Lets say my school starts on the last week of August and lets also say I won't ever eat lunch or spend my weekly allowance until I get my 3DS, it'd take me around 13 weeks. This should take me to the week of November 4-8. Knowing myself I'd probably spend money buying shit I see at the mall or food and stuff so I'm giving myself at the latest until Christmas of 2013 to be able to save enough for this baby. 

DUE DATE: CHRISTMAS ((latest)) = enough $$ for 3DS XL

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