♡ Something To Get Your Blog Started ♡
10:01 PMI don't know about you guys, but when I first made my blogger account I have no idea how the heck I'm going to make my blog look like I want and hope for it to be. Now, I am not a complete newbie with HTML because I've had a tumblr since early 2010 so the struggle with themes encouraged me to know a little something about HTML. I remember making a blogger way before this one that I have now, but I didn't figure out this shit until lately so with that said I have no idea what my other blogger is not that it's important anyways..
Anyways this is just going to be a little html help from me (:
1) Go ahead and make your blog button (: If you need help with photoshop I can try and help on my freetime so just go ahead and email me.
2) Upload your picture on whatever photo hosting site you have
3) Go to here and it'll bring you to this:
Obviously, fill it out and copy the code but you already know that
4) Go to Layout
5) Add a gadget ((choose the HTML one))
6) Paste the code and save and you're done :)
Html Help/Tips:
- If you want your button to be centered put "< center >" before the code and " < /center >" after the code. If you want it left or right just change the word center.
- If your button ends up being to big just add " width= "200" " like so..
<img src="http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t534/m-ine/Untitled-1_zps734b45e0.png" width="230" title="Subject of Admiration" alt="Subject of Admiration" />
- If it's still to big just change the number to an suitable one for your blog
Buttons as link:
* If you want to make your blog a little more snazzy that usual, why don't you use buttons/icons/pictures instead of just words as links
1) Go ahead and create or find something that you would want to use ((again if you need help with these I can try and help you so just email me)) and upload it on your image hosting site.
2) Go to layout and add an HTML gadget.
3) Copy this: <a href="LINK"><img src="IMG URL" width="200" /></a>
<br />
HTML Help/Tip:
- Do this how many ever links you have
- If you want your button to be centered put "< center >" before the code and " < /center >" after the code. If you want it left or right just change the word center.
- If it's still to big just change the number to an suitable one for your blog
*If you want to use buttons like these for your social networks, it's the same instructions except you can delete the width part. Some buttons/icons I found and liked: here, here, and here.
Divider on every gadget you have:
1) Go to template designer
2) Click advance
3) Click add CSS
4) Copy this: ((including the period before 'column'))
.column-right-outer .widget, .column-left-outer .widget {
background: url( IMAGE URL )no-repeat 50% 100%;padding-bottom:70px; border:0; }
5) Save :)
HTML Help/Tip:
~ here are some dividers that I personally like but you obviously don't need to use any of them
Signature On Every Post:
* A lot of people put links and/or pictures so do whatever you want (:
1) Go to settings
2) Click Post and Comments
3) Copy this to post templates:
<right><img src="IMAGE URL" width="200"></right>4) If you're putting up links then copy this:
<center><a href="LINK"> LINK NAME </a></center>